Gendered objects. Are objects truly gendered? There are boat loads of children's toys classified solely by the color and nature of the object, but shouldn't the gendered aspect be subjective? It is interesting to see how instead of breaking down the predisposition of 'genderizing', society subconsciously reinforces them. So, why do we continuously buy into the structural violence?
For instance, while writing this blog, I told my boyfriend that I feel like Carrie Bradshaw. "Who [insert explative] is that?"With a matter of fact tone, I said "sex and the could you not know that?!"
He then responded by saying, "maybe because I'm not a woman."
And with that, I realized literally everyone does it, which is slightly horrifying to think the cycle could potentially never end, and we will live with socially constructed gender ideologies until the end of time... a bit melodramatic, but none the less, a scary thought.
It seems like society has simply grown to accept the ideology that gender can simply be split into two categories, when in reality, it is so much more than that.
good start - keep it up!